Terms of Use

If you continue using this website, you agree to the following terms of use. If you disagree with any of the following points, please do not use the website.

[su_note note_color=”#d5f2f7″ text_color=”#000000″ radius=”4″]Welcome to Crafterico.com, a website owned and operated by Willo’s Creations. By accessing and using this website, you agree to the following terms and conditions:[/su_note]

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  • The term “we” refers to Willo’s Creations, the owner and operator of Crafterico.com.
    The term “material” refers to the published resource packs.
  • These terms of use take precedence over any documents provided within the archives.
    The content of this website is subject to change without notice.
  • You agree that the information and materials provided may be inaccurate or contain errors (within the limits of the law).
  • We disclaim responsibility for damage caused to your device by improper installation or any reason.
  • This website may contain links to other websites, however we have no liability associated with such sites.
  • It is prohibited to modify and redistribute the material provided on this website without the prior permission of Willo’s Creations. Personal use is allowed.
  • Redistribution and monetization of the material without the consent of Willo’s Creations is prohibited.
  • You may monetize the content by creating videos, live broadcasts, or posting on social media as long as you publicly credit Willo’s Creations and include the original link of the material.
  • Any activity that Willo’s Creations considers inappropriate is prohibited.
  • Any activity that affects the distribution provided by this website without the consent or permission of Willo’s Creations is prohibited.
  • While Crafterico.com is the original distributor of these resource packs, they may also be available on other websites, always published by Willo’s Creations.


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