CinnamonPie 8x 1.20.4 Download

CinnamonPie 8x is one of the most unique resource packs made this year (2023). There are multiple reasons for this statement. The first and most important reason is that it is an 8-pixel by 8-pixel resource pack, meaning all the textures are created on an 8 by 8 pixel grid. When it comes to any type of creation, that is not a large area to work with. However, it was more than enough space for the creator of this amazing resource pack to work with.

The creator not only managed to cover all the textures in such a small number of pixels but also gave the CinnamonPie 8x texture pack a unique and impressive theme.

CinnamonPie 8x is for everyone. No matter your build style or what type of world you hope to use this resource pack in, CinnamonPie 8x will fit in as if it were specially made for it. My favorite aspect is CinnamonPie 8x’s caves, with their hanging vines with glowing berries and extremely detailed mineshafts and dark caves. You have to experience this amazing resource pack yourself.

How To Install CinnamonPie 8x

Installing CinnamonPie 8x is fairly easy compared to other resource packs. You don’t need any additional mods to run this pack. Since it’s 8×8, you won’t have any performance issues either, so you can install it on any computer without any problems. However, if you’d like to use a shader pack with this, you can do so by installing Optifine or IRIS. CinnamonPie 8x supports both Iris and Optifine.

To install:

  • Download CinnamonPie 8x from the link below.
  • Locate the downloaded texture pack in your downloads folder.
  • Copy the downloaded file.
  • Open Minecraft.
  • Go to Options.
  • Go to Resource Packs.
  • Click on “Open Resource Packs Folder.”
  • Paste the downloaded file inside the folder.
  • Return to Minecraft and click on the CinnamonPie 8x pack icon.
  • Click Done.

That’s it. You are now ready to enjoy Minecraft with CinnamonPie 8x installed.

CinnamonPie 8x – Screnshoots


CinnamonPie 8x Downlaod

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