Rhinestone 32x (JE)

Rhinestone 32x is a 32×32 pixel resolution resource pack that makes your game much more appealing. Rhinestone comes with colorful and bright textures that make it much more alive and cozy. it doesn’t matters if you are planning to build a might carcel or a modern mansion, this resource pack will fit any theme.

One key feature of Rhinestones is their vegetation and corps textures. the stunning wheat fields and bushy tree leaves make it more realistic as well. However, you dont need to use Optifine with this resource pack, and to use this just download and paste it into your resource packs folder.

[su_note note_color=”#d5f2f7″ text_color=”#000000″ radius=”4″]Progress: (JE 50%) (BE 0%)
Game version: 1.19.4 Snapshots+
Resolution 32x
Optifine: No[/su_note]


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